Thursday, March 31, 2011

Drawing With Light~ Animation / Media Arts

drawing with light contact sheets

it only works when you click on the first frame

video #1 blob eats me :(
8 frames
video #2 i light on fire :(
7 frames
video #3 i get sick
7 frames

video #4 i smell
11 frames

Sunday, March 27, 2011

Painting with light project #1 composition ~media arts

digital contact sheet
sorry for the wonky sizing i dont know how to make a digital contact sheet at home so i had to just use word sorry 

rocket ship
space man
if your wondering, theres a shiny piano beside me :)
toast anyone

Thursday, March 17, 2011

Aperture With Film - photo 10

THEME : my theme started out to be childhood(playground, tree hous) then i wanted to go with vintage instead (old building old fashion church on praie tea set).
show short, middle, long deptgh of feild


close depth of feild

middle depth of feild
far depth of feild

Aperture photo 10

Aperture controls the lighting and depth of feild in a photo, the lower the aperture the lighter the photo the higher the # aperture the darker(u can use shutter speed to control these aspects so it evens out to smooth lighting, the lower # aperture the focus is going to be in the closest object, the higher # aperture everything is going to be in focus.. there is close middle and far depth of field.

short depth of feild

short depth or field

middle depth of feild

long/far depth of feild

short depth field                      middle depth of field         long depth of field

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

Personification And Breaking The Rules Project {Film}-Photo 10

i chose this hat as my personification object because it already has lots of personality and character
half the negatives on the roll, because the other half wasnt relevant to the project.
contact sheet
Half of the roll was the personification breaking the rules project the other half was free for all photos.
print #1
breaking the rules =rule of thirds, subject is cut off
personified object=small hat
i chose this hat as my personification object because it already has lots of personality and character
print #2
breaking the rules=blurry,repetition 
personified object=small hat

print #3
breaking the rules=leading lines, leading away from subject;repition same object oppositly placed.
personified object=lawn chairs